Movie Star Planet :'D

Movie Star Planet :'D
Us :'D

Thursday, 4 August 2011

What do people really think of my website?

Spikestar says- "I like the cheat how to get to the front of the page !!!!"
BoomItWasMe says- " luv your blog and wanna create ma own! "
StaceyBabyTwin-x says- "OMG your blog is just amazing I could go on and on and on about how fantastic it is. I love that first picture though that girl has no lips in it. Sorry critism! Your blog is fascinating. Imma create myself one maybe."
Kiss-Me-Gurls says- "Well I love your blog and its great. Really cool and unique. Keep up the good work.
CrazyLiam-xD says- "Your blog rocks! Anyone who hates it sucks. I love the layout."
Marianna10 says- "Wow! Its Amazing!"
Thank you so much for all the kind things that were said! I did not make any of these users up, they are real users. :) Also I copied and pasted these comments of the chats and mails.


  1. hi my name on msp is ROSETER 1234

  2. EPICLY EPIC so epic i neally epicly wet me self
