Movie Star Planet :'D

Movie Star Planet :'D
Us :'D

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Want Some MONEY?

If you want some money watch ZANO4's Short Movies. He has a lot of short movies about 413 and if you watch them all you get $4130 STARCOINS! WOW!


  1. Lol and wast 410x10 seconds of my life Xp He its me Emmalee13 the girl who got banned im now Cheeky_Emmalee14

  2. ahh ;( i don't want to look 1 second of that thing i mean ZANO4's movies ,i had friends with over 600 short movies and i watch all of them i get 6000 plus more!,,,and i realize that i just keep on shopping with my money so, i want more then 4000sc's i want like 20.000 but tnx for saying that anyway .

    1. im from moviestarplanet and we all hate hackers have Xgf and she is a hacker i will tell her username it was like Inburbguqgbugrb like letters but a lot

  3. You actually wont get 4130 starcions because if you rate 1 star on all of them it will only be 4 sc so whats 4 x 41=1652 Duh So its Not that Much Think About that next time ok

  4. thanx i have been watching her movies and i have over nearly 10,000 starcoins and now i am a vip i have 30,000 sc and 45 diamonds
